18-26 may 2019

2019 For the twenty-year anniversary of the foundation, the Friends of Embroidery Bandera Association has organized an exhibition entitled,it: “E…VENTI BANDERA” presso LA PORTA DEL TESSILE in via Santa Clara angolo via Broglia a Chieri (TO)

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25 – 27 may 2018 VI edition of MAGIC WIRES at the Castello della Rovere di VINOVO,it (To)

magic wires


MANUALLY FALL,,it,We will be present with our stand at the exhibition of our work and every day we will do workshops,,it,We will participate Installation collective #sottouncielodistelle,,it 2017 – Lingotto Fiere di Torino – 21-24 September nuovoLogo_ManualMente-signing
manually 17 3

Un angolo del nostro stand e le stelle con cui abbiamo partecipato all’evento “Sotto un cielo di stelle”

manuelmente 17 4 manually 17 1


Last July a tornado that hit on Chieri flooded roads and basements, uncovered roofs, broken glasses and ruined bodies of many car. Among the many damages, the water that has infiltrated into the Chapel of Our Lady of Grace, in Duomo, partially ruined coprialtare embroidered Bandera that our Association donated to the Duomo in 2005, on the occasion of 600 years from the sacred building construction and the 100 anni dalla incoronazione della Madonna delle Grazie. Come è noto, always flowers are closely linked to the figure of the Virgin, elected as a symbol of art and mystical. Many sacred representations approach flowers to Mary, by Rose Mystica which is the most common symbol of Mary, tulips of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, The Madonna of the Carnation, It represented the peony in a painting by Albrecht Dürer. Inspired by this symbolism, Anna Gamage, President of the Association, designed embroidery, which it was performed by her and by the students of boarding school, based on these four flowers: rosa, tulipano, carnation and peony flowers that are also characteristic of this technique,it.
Now, restored, the article has been delivered in the Cathedral, ready to be sent back to the devotion of the faithful.



13 maggio – 18 June
As part of the event TRAMANDA, organizzata a Chieri quale tributo alla forte e storica identità tessile della città, la nostra Associazione ha partecipato con l’esposizione, nella parte del Museo del Tessile dedicata al Bandera, the educational work carried out by the students of primary and secondary schools involved in the project,,it,in the school,,it,aa a,,en,a,,es KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE THE TECHNIQUES OF EMBROIDERY BANDERA nell’anno scolastico 2016-17.
Nel corso dell’evento sono stati organizzati dei workshop dedicati ai bambini.


Il settore del Museo del Tessile dedicato al Bandera con i lavori dei bambini.
Nella foto il giorno dell’inaugurazione con il sindaco Claudio Martano, Anna Gamage, l’assessore Manuela Olia e Orsola Benente for site


rubini1 Per la durata della manifestazione, nelle vetrine di due negozi di ottica del centro, Ottica Rubini – via Vittorio Vittorio Emanuele II 67 e Chieri People – via Vittorio Vittorio Emanuele II 44, sono stati esposti alcuni dei nostri ricami


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Chieri, DI FREISA IN FREISA, June 2017

di-freisa-in-freisa On the occasion of 8,,it,edition of "Freisa Freisa in" the annual event that celebrates the Doc Freisa Chieri and excellent products of the territory,,co,and for,,it,years of the vine,,it,Anna Bandera Ghigo embroidered pillow with the new logo of the event and he gives,,it,to the City of Chieri in the person dell'assessora Marina Zopegni which used to support the scissors on the opening day Saturday,,ita,en edizione di “Di Freisa in Freisa” l’appuntamento annuale che celebra la doc chierese Freisa e i prodotti d’eccellenza del territorio, e per i 500 anni del vitigno, Anna Ghigo ha ricamato in Bandera un cuscino con il nuovo logo della manifestazione e lo ha donato al Comune di Chieri, nella persona dell’assessora Marina Zopegni che lo ha usato per appoggiare le forbici nel giorno dell’inaugurazione sabato 17 June.


Fossano, 19 may 2017

20170523_142222 The Association “La Mimosa,,es,Fossano on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary organized within the event,,it” di Fossano in occasione del XX anniversario ha organizzato all’interno dell’evento “Caravaggio – la mostra impossibile” una “mostra – convegno” su questa antica tecnica di ricamo illustrata da Anna Ghigo presidente dell’Associazione Amici del Ricamo Bandera di Chieri
Al convegno, oltre numerosi interessati, era presente Laura Avalle direttore responsabile di RAKAM rivista mensile di ricamo, maglia e uncinetto
Nella foto Laura Avalle, Anna Gamage, Alessandra Stefani President Mimosa and Luciana Occelli teacher,it

HAND SPRING 2017 – Lingotto Fiere di Torino – 7-9 April

nuovoLogo_ManualMente-signing The stand with which we presented to the visitors of the show our achievements,it


La nostra realizzazione di farfalle handmade realizzate per l’installazione #volainalto SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES



CHIERI CITTÀ EDUCATIVA Organization and management of the Bandera embroidery workshops for primary schools with the assistance of the City of Chieri.

The 18 settembre è stato presentato il nuovo allestimento del Museo del Tessile, ospitato nei locali storici di via Santa Clara a Chieri. A part of the event took place all'Imbiancheria of Vajro, the historical site of industrial archeology renovated in bright exhibition space. Per l’occasione la nostra Associazione ha partecipato con un atelier di ricamo Bandera proponendo un disegno inedito studiato per l’occasione: shuttle, Typical textile tool used to frame to weaving warp and weft.

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES In the picture a detail of the of our Association all'Imbiancheria of Vajro


Un momento dell’inaugurazione del nuovo allestimento del museo del tesssile. Anna Ghigo fra il sindaco di Chieri Claudio Martano e il presidente della Fondazione Chierese per il Tessile Mario Ghirardi ghigo

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES the proposed Embroidery


FESTA DELLA DONNA – Chialamberto (To) – Casa di Riposo delle suore di san Gaetano – 8 March
We were invited to give a lecture and a demonstration of our technique.

MANUALLY 2016 – Lingotto Fiere di Torino
XIII edition
15-17 April


manually 16 Valentina Scuteri between Anna Ghigo and Orsola Benente,,it,At the exhibition the Friends of the Bandera Embroidery Chieri has obtained lapel pin / badge of honor 'The most creative of all',,it,Three bloggers have turned the stands as special envoys in search of creativity,,it,Care Product,,it,authoritativeness and passion,,it,Valentina Scuteri,,sq,which boosted our stand,,it,he wrote,,it,"Thanks to Anna, I learned to recognize the true Bandera Embroidery,,it,It must have a base of woven bandera,,it

Al salone l’Associazione Amici del Ricamo Bandera di Chieri ha ottenuto la spilletta/medaglia al merito ‘La più creativa di tutte’. Tre blogger hanno girato fra gli stand come inviate speciali in cerca di creatività, cura del prodotto, autorevolezza e passione. Valentina Scuteri, che ha premiato il nostro stand, ha scritto: “Grazie ad Anna ho imparato a riconoscere il vero Ricamo Bandera: deve avere una base di tessuto bandera, represent some subjects defined as acanthus leaves,,it,traditional motifs, and only certain types of flower,,it,use a wool yarn and only a few colors. ",,it, motivi tradizionali e solo certi tipi di fiore, utilizzare un filato di lana di solo alcune tonalità di colore.” manually 2016 creativity award

MAGICAL THREADS – Castello della Rovere – Vinovo – 20-22 may


"To know and experience the techniques of embroidery Bandera”


Un’immagine della mostra, che è stata allestita nei locali della biblioteca Nicolò Francone a fine anno scolastico, con tutti i lavori eseguiti dai bambini.

The President of the Friends of the Bandera Embroidery of Chieri and Orsola Benente, one of the longest standing members of, They taught embroidery Bandera more than a hundred students of primary scenes of Chieri schools that have joined the project "Understanding and researching the techniques of embroidery Bandera”. the project, which he has contributed "Chieri Città Educativa" for social and educational policies and library service, attended schools:
SILVIO PELLICO: 5A teacher in (Arato, Cataldo, Bosco), 5to B (Cataldo, Amitrano, Bosco)
N.S. SCALE: 5C teachers (Ferrero, scale)
VIA FEA: 5A teacher in (Volpi, Benevento), 5to B (bertolotto, Benevento)

The objective of the textile tradition was aimed at primary schools in Chieri with the intent to experience an important activity, and as old as that of the Bandera Embroidery to stimulate the technical and manual skills and creativity. The embroidery workshops, 5 hours for each section, were held in a kit was delivered classes and pupils (prepared by the) with everything needed (lana, Flag fabric, drawing to trace with carbon paper, needle and label) to embroider a Baroque tile with classic embroidery stitches Bandera (chain and grass). The teachers have helped to finish the job.

MANUALLY 2016 – Lingotto Fiere di Torino – 22-25 September

banner manually 2016




HOBBIES AND PASSIONS – 6-8 February 2015
Busto Arsizio (Varese)

pastimes 2015
Revigliasco FLOWER 015 – a great celebration of the green in the ancient village of Revigliasco – 16-17 may 2015
I nostri manufatti hanno ingentilito la cappella di San Sebastiano
Revigliasco 2015
weft 2015 TRAME D’ARTE E DI FIORI, rivisitazione di soggetti floreali utilizzati dall’artigianato chierese
Imbiancheria of Vajro, 18 aprile – 21 June 2015 Realizzata dalla nostra Associazione insieme alla “Compagnia della Chiocciola”, la mostra ha rivisitato i segni di quell’arte artigiana che nei secoli passati ha generato il ricamo Bandera e ispirato le decorazioni in cotto presenti negli edifici medievali di Chieri. La mostra si è concentrata sui ricami Bandera che la nostra Associazione ha selezionato per l’evento, inseriti fra le macchine tessili che hanno sede permanente nell’edificio.
Nei giorni 22 and 23 May, the Association of Friends of the Bandera Embroidery Chieri organized courses approach to the technique of embroidery Bandera lasting two hours.
Nella foto l’allestimento della nostra Associazione


XII edition of MANUALLY 2015 – Lingotto Fiere di Torino – 24-27 September

manually 2015



HOBBIES AND PASSIONS – 7-9 February 2014
Busto Arsizio (Varese)



– Castello della Rovere, Vinovo (To)
We exhibited handmade embroidery both ancient and current. We proposed, In addition to the rich collection of drawings, kit, the book and the DVD and we have organized, during the event, Bandera embroidery courses.




recto flyer

Valtopina (PG) – 5-7 September




MANUALLY Review of Creative Crafts – Torino – Lingotto Fiere – 25-28 September













10-12 may 2013 – Fiere di Parma

We were present with our products and we have proposed: kit, drawings, Video CD, Book.
We participated in the competition “INTERNATIONAL CIRCLE”, whose theme was the representation of their idea of internationality through textile creativity. We organized workshops approach to Bandera embroidery technique with two daily sessions.


IMG_0024 trame d aria6-8 September 2013 Valtopina (Pg)

On this occasion we have proposed our peculiarity and attended an exhibition based on the theme of water, Earth, fire and air, entitled "Air PATTERNS", Embroidering a range. On this occasion we have prepared two message boards of ancient samples of the Textile Museum of Chieri.



.The President Anna Ghigo was awarded the "master of 2013 thread" with motivation: "Professionalism Award of innovation, sensitivity, study and research ".


X Edition of MANUALLY 2013
from 26 al 29 September – Lingotto Fiere di Torino


GREENHOUSE EFFECT – Parkstrasse Pecetto Centre (To)
12-13 October 2013

The "Green Service management of the Comune di Torino" and the "Compagnia della Chiocciola" di Chieri (To) they organized an exhibition where they found references on textiles and the baked items that for centuries have marked the construction and production activity of the city of Chieri.
The plants shown were protagonists of the visit and Bandera embroidery frame.





2012set Manual Mente 002
IX Edition of MANUALLY 2012
from 27 al 30 September – Lingotto Fiere di Torino


“BANDERA EMBROIDERY YOU LEARN IN CHIERI – ATELIER” Imbiancheria of Vajro – 15 and 16 September 2012
The Association, with the financial participation and the patronage of the town of Chieri, free courses organised to give an opportunity to bring people to this embroidery technique typical of our area. The atelier, lasting two hours, expected delivery of necessary equipment: the bandera already designed and polychrome wool, and they were followed by expert teachers.

from 31 August to 2 September 2012

from 11 to 13 may 2012
2012May filimagici vinovo 009

Within the project in favor of
thousands of Liguria Association “MOONSTONE YARNS” in Sarzana
asked us to collaborate in an auction whose proceeds are earmarked for the furnishings of a classroom of the school for children of Rocchetta Vara (Sp) that was completely destroyed. We gladly accepted the proposal by donating a pillow.




THE CREATIVE WORLD – Bologna, 18-20 November 2011
In the area dedicated to embroidery we exposed our creations and organized workshops to help you get closer to the basics of this technique. In addition, We dress the table with products for the “The art of receiving”, that it is not mandatory to reserve for special occasions, but who can give a touch of elegance to everyday table for the sake of nice things.

1International competition of embroidery and lace – October 2011
Organized by the Association De Fabula di Genova Italy which is part of the’VIII biennale De Fabula – The woman in the story, in legend and tradition of your country, the Liguriastyle at the Imperial Palace – Genoa. We participated with a clutch bag with embroidery "Bandera.


VIII Edition of MANUALLY 2011
29 September – 2 October 2011 – Lingotto Fiere – Torino
“On the wire of the United Italy – Learn embroidery "Bandera”; The Association “Bandera Embroidery friends” di Chieri sar ... this to Manually issue 2011 together with four other leading schools of embroidery: Association “Castellinaria” of ports, Association “Piedmontese Traditions” Collegno, Association “Il Quadrifoglio” Pino Torinese, School “Art embroidery "Bandera Susa Valley” San Giorio, to put at the disposal of our visitors experience, our passion, our knowledge and the results of our researches, in order to allow all interested parties to approach the world of embroidery "Bandera. Schools will exhibit the best of their artistic production, traditional style, that will aim to make known the original technical characteristics, innovative style that will appeal to younger audiences. Teachers and pupils will be practical demonstrations and, in the year of 150° of the unity of our Country, will visitors who request it on a journey through an Italy drawn on fabric, from North to South with needles and threads of polychrome wool, Decorating with region-by-region basis points of the Bandera Embroidery. For the occasion the Panel celebrating the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy, currently on display at Palazzo Reale will be put in the space dedicated to the celebrations of the event.

The embroidered by visiting Italy and proposed by the maestre Bandera embroidery. From left: Margaret Gribaudo, Giovanna Fossati, Anna Gamage , Alejandra Garcia, Gisella Tamagno and Sandra Bellone.







13TH exhibition of fabric and Embroidery – Valtopina (PG) from 2 al 4 September 2011.
During the event we attended the view OPPOSITE DESIGN WIRE arranged in the Museum.




place 2011 paintingThe 28 may 2011 We attended the event “Share Chieri with Divi di Chieri”, that presented works by artists from Chieri. The homage of the work carried out by our Association was a moment of recognition and sharing of an international artistic phenomenon represented by the Collezione Civica in Chieri “Copyright textures” of Fiber Art, works from around the world




place 2011 parma Italy invites 2

Italy Calls On – 5International Forum of Textile Creativity – 13-15 may 2011Within the Forum was organized the exhibition Herbarium which every exhibitor participated with the plant or the flower more characteristic of its territory. We have presented a plant dye that binds to the textile tradition of Chieri.



From 25 February to 17 March 2011, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the exhibition hall cultural pole of the Biblioteca di Chieri hosted our view “Bandera embroidery as a casa di Cavour”. The exhibition included two other sections: “Camillo Benso di Cavour and his time” and “Young weavers like Cavour”.




Within the framework of the tenth anniversary of the CHIERI TWINNING WITH EPINAL French town of Lorraine, We made a pillow to hold the keys to the city during the parade and a representative showcase some our creations and activities.

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Took place from 30 September to 3 October 2010 the



In Valtopina (Perugia), the 4, 5 and 6 September 2010 was held the 12TH EXHIBITION OF CRAFT FABRIC




10 June 2010
The visit to “embroidered treasures” the Association Amici del Bandera Embroidery drew many fans in Chieri, concerned also at the Archaeological Museum of textiles and. the tour was included in the program “GRAND TOUR”, event promoted by “Torino European Capital Cities” who organizes a series of itineraries to discover the cultural and artistic treasures of Piedmont


29 and 30 may 2010
City of creativity






from 22 May to 4 July 2010
Within the exhibition space was devoted to embroidery "Bandera







From 13 al 17 may 2010






27-28 March 2010

14-16 may 2010
2nd Edition of “MAGICAL THREADS embroidery, lace and ... " – CASTELLO DELLA ROVERE – VINOVO (TO)


In Valtopina (Perugia), the 4, 5 and 6 September was held the’THE 11TH EXHIBITION OF HAND EMBROIDERY AND CRAFTS TEXTILE. This year eraprevista exposure to “Museum of embroidery and textiles” of various designs by Giuseppe Piermarini, the famous Royal architect of ' 700, interpreted in different techniques of embroidery, to which we contribute as protagonists of the Bandera Embroidery.





From 1° to 4 October We stayed at the Lingotto Fiere di Torino, the sixth edition of the event MANUALLY, one of the most qualified in the industry.


From 6 on 8 November, to celebrate our first decade of life, We held an exhibition in Chieri, where is our headquarters, entitled The BANDERA and his atelier. All'Imbiancheria of Vajro, via Imbiancheria 12, We exposed some of the creations that our students have achieved in recent years and all the ancient artifacts that are part of the Association's collection; In addition, to enable passionate approach to this technique of embroidery, We organized workshops open to all, in the course of which we have provided the design and materials, and the teachers were available to give all the necessary support to achieve a small embroidery.
A section of the show was dedicated to Olga Venetian Auction, a leading protagonist in the history of twentieth century embroidery and lace, with a series of samples of embroidery donated recently to our Association.




The 9 and 10 may we took part in the fourth edition of INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF LACE AND EMBROIDERY, organized by Italy Invites to Fiere di Parma. This year's Edition, I had to title “Italian weddings”, he retraced the history of the Italian bride through her dress from the 50 's to the 70 's and 80 's. We have partnered with Simon Serni, within the framework of the “Project designers”, interpreting the taste and style of this period in a suit of 1974, Bandera ricamandolo. In addition to this project, in the Textile Gallery were exhibited the gifts that each participant, with their technique, achieved; In addition, in the workshop organized by our Association the passionate Bandera were led in the creation of a copriagenda.

In London the view MADNESS IN BLOOM, organised by the province of Turin and the Proloco Royal Charterhouse 28 and 29 March, hosted our handmade embroidered with the technique of Bandera in the Sala delle Arti.

From 4 on 8 March, we participated in the exhibition organized by the Provincia di Torino on the occasion of women's day, entitled THE ANCIENT EMBROIDERY DRESS PALAZZO CISTERNA. Some precious embroidery, prepared by us and by other associations protecting and discover the ancient art of embroidery, have been harmoniously combined with antiques that decorate the institutional and historical seat of the institution, in via Maria Vittoria 12 in Turin.



The 27 and 28 September our Association was present at the exhibition organized by the Provincia di Torino, the equal opportunities service and timing Policy, as part of the event MANUALLY at the Lingotto Fiere di Torino

The 5, 6 and 7 September we were in Valtopina (Perugia), the 10th edition of the MARKET EXHIBITION OF EMBROIDERY AND CRAFT FABRIC which every year welcomes exhibitors from all over Italy who present their work, alongside traditional Umbrian textiles products, to relics and ancient artifacts; also have been proposed parades of lingerie and vintage clothes, conferences on art and craft high.

2008 chieri cards 1In July we participated in Chieri (To) at the event “Chieri Fiber”. Within the project “WEAVE CHIERI – Participatory mosaic artwork” It consists of a large canvas that includes 100 tiles made from Chieri associations.




2008 chieri cards 2

Through the simulation of a great living frame, with synchronized movements, the cloth was woven for which our Association has prepared 5 squares on which we have embroidered traditional embroidery flowers Bandera: Peony, Pink, rose and Tulip, that already adorn the mantle for the statue of the Madonna delle Grazie which we donated to the Cathedral on the occasion of 600 years from the construction of the Church. On the 5th the reason proposed school children participating in the project “Learn and experiment with the techniques of embroidery "Bandera” in Chieri city education.



2008 vinovo magical wires

From 23 al 25 may-Vinovo (Torino), the Castello della Rovere, We participated in the exhibition MAGICAL THREADS who presented the work carried out with the finest Italian embroidery techniques. What better setting for exhibiting our precious works?
Among the visitors a group from Japan (in the picture), accompanied by Sumie Takashima, Editor of Vogue Japan.

collegno 2008In Collegno, in and around Turin, to view MADNESS IN BLOOM; CULTIVATED, EMBROIDERED…
organized the Royal Charterhouse 29 and 30 March, We presented our handmade embroidered with the technique of Bandera. The embroidery we love and we promote respecting tradition but in constant search of a development in step with the times in which we live.

coffer 2008With the now customary public consensus, is composed of the Embroiderers – expert or not, but always passionate, and all those who love the beauty and elegance, the Association participated in Rome from 8 to 10 February the 3rd Edition of SCRIGNO TESORI D'ITALIA the event that offers unique and timeless objects where style and elegance combine to create an exceptional creations, for real connoisseurs.



2007 ImbiancheriaGreat success and participation of the public at the exhibition IN CHIERI… THE BANDERA that was held at Inbiancheria of Vajro, Via Inbiancheria 12, Chieri (TO) from 6 al 16 December 2007.





From 27 al 30/09/2007 the Association has taken part with the usual success of the fourth edition of MANUALLY: Review of creative craftsmanship at Lingotto di Torino, This year had as wool thread, yarn with which you embroidery "Bandera.




2007 valtopinaFrom 31 August to 2 September 2007 the Association was present with a stand admired the ninth edition of VIEW OF HAND EMBROIDERY AND CRAFT FABRIC in VALTOPINA (Perugia).




2007 Italy calls on

From 4 al 6 may 2007 the Association Friends of embroidery "Bandera participated in the 3rd Edition of INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF EMBROIDERY AND LACE the Palacongressi in Rimini.
In addition to having exposed artifacts made by the pupils of the school, the Association participated in the exhibition of Italian lace and embroidery with a pillow.
The novelty of Edition 2007 was the presence of workshops in all the techniques of 2 hours that were held in each stand.
With regard to the bandera embroidery, We have proposed a copriagenda which received great enthusiasm in the audience filling ourselves up with satisfaction.

In the elegant setting of the Etoile and Palazzo Ruspoli, in the heart of Rome, from 16 al 18 March events CASKET-TREASURES OF ITALY He collected the best Italian handcraft. The Association Friends of embroidery "Bandera di Chieri, with its artifacts, He added a touch of refinement to the many unique pieces that represent the best of Made in Italy: from fashion to applied arts, by furnishing musical instruments, and still drive, perfumes, jewelry.


Participation in “THE BURDEN OF GRANDMOTHER” embroidery and lace in the Piedmont tradition -23-24-25 Apr-Arkhangelsk (TO) at Casa Zuccala

Participation in CASKET-TREASURES OF ITALY in Rome, the 10-11-12 March. For exhibition, which take part in the great masters working in the field of valuable artifacts, the Association presents among other works a Garland that is an anthology of the peculiarities of the bandera embroidery

The project continues EMBROIDER THE BANDERA BOYS, posted in the program of "Chieri city education", with embroidery courses for students of secondary schools. Having regard to the positive result, This project will continue in the coming months, extending to other schools in the province of Turin in Piedmont, for achievement in the near future of a great “FLAG DAY“.

2008 especially Pope armchair

Creation of a "ussa" (lining) embroidered for Pope Benedict XVI armchair





2005 Altar with tablecloth

Participation in MANUALLY review of creative craftsmanship at the Lingotto Fiere di Torino

EMBROIDER THE BANDERA BOYS exhibition of works performed by the students of the Secondary Schools of Chieri nell'ambito del progetto "Chieri city education".

On the occasion of 100 anniversary of the crowning of the Madonna delle Grazie and of 600 years after the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Chieri, the Association gives THE MADONNA'S MANTLE and the COPRIALTARE embroidered Bandera.





Participation in MANUALLY review of creative craftsmanship at the Lingotto Fiere di Torino

Exhibition at the FONDAZIONE FERRERO by Alba

First exhibition of the Association in SAINT WILLIAM'S CHURCH IN CHIERI. In it, the results of the project LEARN AND EXPERIMENT WITH THE TECHNIQUES OF EMBROIDERY "BANDERA IN CHIERI, attended by teachers and students of 5 Secondary school classes.






View at VILLA CAUNT di Sordevolo (Biella).



View at PALAZZINA DI CACCIA di Stupinigi (Torino).



View at PALAZZO BAROLO of Turin.